Deanna Antony is a multi-disciplinary artist working in soft-sculpture, painting, and drawing. Her color-driven work investigates identity and space by exploring palette, form, function, shape, material, and playful expression. Organic volumetric forms are sewn together using a process she developed from questioning the function of a painting to the point of questioning material and building the painting out into three dimensions. She uses found materials, specifically clothing, to communicate and evoke time and place, in direct relationship to the body. The work is stuffed with happenstance, memories, grief, and regret and evokes movement, shadow, and whimsy.

Antony received her Master of Fine Arts from the University of Wisconsin-Madison in 2020, and her Bachelor of Arts from the University of Wisconsin-Parkside in 2016. She has exhibited work in Astoria, Oregon, Madison, Wisconsin, Milwaukee, Wisconsin, and Minneapolis, Minnesota. She resides in Hammond, Oregon with her five chickens.